2 Simple Computer Repairs for Beginners

Posted on: 11 June 2021


For many people, the thought of repairing their own computer seems daunting. While the user shouldn't be expected to handle every PC problem that may occur, there are a few simple repairs that beginners can accomplish with the right tools and know-how.

1. Perform a Virus Scan

Some computer viruses can pose a challenge for even seasoned IT professionals, but not all of them are such a serious threat. A majority of computer viruses are built on similar principles, take advantage of similar exploits, and can be detected and removed with consumer-grade virus scanning software.

A web search will present you with several antivirus software options, both free and paid. Many free programs are as effective as paid alternatives, but it's a good idea to search for each program on a trusted tech review website.

Modern antivirus software is simple and easy to use. Once you install the package, many programs will allow you to choose between a quick scan and a full scan. Quick scans are great for detecting malware in the most common parts of your file system. Full scans will leave no folder unturned on your system and may take several hours to run depending on the size of your drives.

2. Replace Failing RAM

If computer viruses are a problem that sounds scary, failing ram is a problem that looks scary. Defective ram can cause extreme graphical glitches at random times while you use your computer. Often, this appears as long strings of nonsensical characters and bands of color on your display. Failing ram can also cause intermittent crashes and freezes, especially when running games or programs that use a lot of memory.

Your computer's RAM will usually be visible as soon as you open the case. RAM modules look like thin sticks with several computer chips on them, and they will be installed in slots directly on the motherboard. Most computers have two to four RAM slots. In desktop computers, RAM is often installed upright, perpendicular to the board, while laptop RAM is often parallel to the board to save space.

RAM slots have small clips on one or both sides that open to release the memory modules. To replace RAM, press on the clips until you see the module loosen or pop out of the slot, then push the new RAM stick firmly into the same position. You can identify the type of replacement RAM you need by the model number on your current RAM.

Computer repair technicians provide an invaluable service, but not every problem may require professional repair. These tips can help you solve two of the most alarming computer issues on your own.